viernes, 29 de septiembre de 2023


 Hello! (Joey from FRIENDS' voice) How you doin'?. Today I bring you another book tag, one I originally adapted from señora literaria for Instagram, but I never posted it there anyway, so I have decided to adapt it again to socials in general. I hope you'll like it.

viernes, 22 de septiembre de 2023

El fanfiction: Ese olvidado en la literatura. (Té con Nat, #3)

 Hola a todos. Un viernes más, os doy las gracias por pasaros por aquí.

La entrada de hoy fue inspirada súbitamente a mediados de semana, porque siendo honesta, sigo sin leer libros. Pero sí que leo. De hecho, he vuelto al reino del fanfiction, tanto en lectura como en esctitura. 

viernes, 15 de septiembre de 2023


 Hello there! How is your September going? I hope the back-to-the-routine stage is not causing you too much trouble. To take your mind off all that, today I bring you the first part of something I had in mind long before this blog even existed. In fact, it was a YouTube idea, for I saw Jack Edwards doing it, but more in a celebrity book recommendation. 

The thing is: I do not like the use of the word celebrity and what it implies. Especially because my favourite artists are way too far from even calling themselves such a thing. Yes, to some extent, they are, but mostly because of their work.

And this is the case of Milo Ventimiglia. To me, he is the American version of Andrew Scott. They are exactly the same in terms of how to deal with fame, kindness, hard work, and of course, treating fans. I was super happy when in the early stages of my crush on Milo last year I found out such kindness and professionalism along the way and immediately ventured into anything he recommended in an attempt to know him a bit more, especially considering that him living and working mostly LA-based makes of my chances of meeting him and having an actual, normal conversation super slim  (yes, I can act normal in front of the people I admire. The trick? Remembering they are humans beings like me)

And in that adventure, I of course found books. Turns out, Milo loves a good thriller more than anything, but he can read everything. And that is why, one day I sneakily found while he was doing an interview from his work office, a title that caught my attention, looked for the book and... decided to read it. From there, oddly enough he started to verbally recommendating it shortly after I finished it. And then, somewhere else, he recommended another... That I read too.

You won't be surprised: Those books are four and five stars for me. This is why I decided to look for more of his recommendations and make a list of the stories I really felt I could get into. 

For now, I am only going to review these two books. But more is to come (eventually. I am still not in the mood to read, but because I am writing.- And having my first crush on a fictional character, from Parks and Rec, if you must know. So deep I have fallen into this pit *pun intended. If you know, you know* that I even made him a playlist, but that's another story.

Anyway, here we go with the first part of Milo's book recommendations that suited my taste. Remember that, as usual,  the book covers are linked to where you can buy a copy, in case you are interested.

viernes, 8 de septiembre de 2023


 Hello, everybody. Here I am, back after the summer hiatus. How did your holidays go? Mine quite reading off to be honest, so expect kind of different posts from now on until I can feel like reading more often again.

I did not have the best start of the month, actually, but somehow, it kind of reflects on the books I read last month somehow. A few days ago, I learned about the passing of a dear professor of mine, of my whole class actually, and of all my Faculty. The oddest thing was that it struck me so hard because he was young and literally, such news was unexpected for everybody. He was such a good teacher, but an even better person, that his sudden departure has left us shocked. Has left me shocked. Up until now, All the deaths I have been mourning were caused by old age or cancer, so even though I had a hard time with those, they were something to be expected and, sooner or later, one ends up finding some comfort in knowing that the other person is not suffering anymore. But I think this is my first encounter with sudden death in a relatively young person I have been working with. A person that I knew, respected and I was truly fond of. 

Precisely, the two books I have read last month were a book concerning a bit the topic of death and a biography full of kindness, fun tips and teachings about the fact that you can always try to improve your life even when you are going through hell. And my professor was one of the kindest souls one can be fortunate enough to have met. So, to him, I dedicate this TBR.

For you, Juande. I truly believe you are in The Good Place. Say hi to Jane Austen for me.